Thursday, January 6, 2011

Random quotes from July 17 2010 to Dec 31 2010

Watching pig butchering show on cooking channel at breakfast (we do things diff here), and Anna says, "What if the government takes it?" I'm like, huh? Then, light bulb. "Oh, like Government Pork?" yeah.

Howie: I'm gonna ask for Donkey Kong Country Returns.
Anna: I don't think she wants to spend money.
(Anna's picking up on my penny pinching ways of late!)

Anna (in her Candace busting voice): Mom, Dad, Howie's trying to control the story I'm telling him.

Me: I don't know what to do with that.
And I really don't.

Weaning my kids off TV hurts my ears.

Me: (in bed, asleep) zzzz...
Anna: How do you spell "build?"
Me: uhhh, b-u-i-l-d.
5 minutes laterrr (SL SpongeBob announcer)
Anna: How do you spell "monkey?"
...Me: G-O-A-W-A-Y!!
Happy last day to sleep in! (They were trying to access careerbuilder's Monk-e-mail, fyi.)

Anna is my storm barometer. The little cold hands and feet in the middle of the night alerted me.

So, Howie's scared of dogs (got bit a while back) and Libby's hubby gave his hat to Howie to wear and said it was a special non-dog-biting hat, and if he wore it and did okay around the dogs (great dogs, btw), Howie could keep the hat. Let's just say by the end of it all, Howie didn't want to leave because he was having such a fun time playing with the dogs! Thanks for the hat, guys!

My son brought a toy gun to school today. Luckily, we homeschool so I didn't have to suspend him or call the police.

Kids were interested in the "no campaigning" line leading into the polls. They were so cute and left me alone to fill out my ballot because it's "private." Howie got to feed the ballot into the the box. We all got stickers! Fun field trip!!

They're fighting over a hair brush. A hair brush? We only have about 10 of them. 19 days I will be on a beach, in 19 days I will be on a beach, in 19 days I will be on a beach...

Anna's doing a project on the US Presidents, and Howie's doing a project on North American snakes. I'm thinking, what's the difference? ar ar.

Watching "Cars" for the 978th time and enjoying the attention to detail: contrails shaped like tire tracks, car bugs leaving tiny tire imprints on a dirty window, etc., I love the care they took in tiny moments.

Vollmer Farm yesterday, and Maple View Farm today. My kids are turning into farm hands!

Receptionist to my daughter's guitar teacher: "I don't know what you're talking about dude, I'm not old like you, I wasn't born in the 80's."

Cacophonous thunderstorm last night, three of us up in our bed, Howie snoring pleasantly in his. I swear, that kid could sleep through anything!

Me: what can I put on my fb status?

Anna: we're going to a birthday party at 4
Howie: fart
Me: I'm an adult, I can't put fart, that's not funny when you're an adult
Howie: butt crack.

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